The Problem

Many companies have multiple facilities throughout a particular country or worldwide. Often these locations may not have an agreed permit to work system across the various facilities teams which can result in a number of lost time incidents.

The objective is to ensure above all, the safety of staff and contractors whilst reducing the incidence of business interruption.


  • All workplace hazards identified by location within the P2WM
  • Greater business efficiency
  • Compliance with all current industry standards, including OHSAS18001 and ISO9001
  • Allows you to keep your customers, visitors and employees safe
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Permit to Work Manager (P2WM) has proved to be user friendly and very reliable. The system is easily populated and maintained. Staff are typically able to use the system after a short training session as it is very intuitive.

Peter Kinselly Head of Health & Safety Linklaters

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Permit to Work Managerâ„¢ is currently the most widely, fully deployed system in the UK, with installations operational across a broad range of sectors and client organisations.

Request an online demonstration today!