ITConsilium provides clients with the means of a safe working environment and compliance with best practice through its industry leading software, Permit to Work Manager (P2WM).
It offers a fully secure, traceable electronic solution which consolidates management over a spectrum of operations, including facilities, estate management, engineering, maintenance operations and health and safety and has been tailored to integrate with OHSAS18001 certification, one of the highest industry standards.
Whether you are implementing a new system, expanding operations, or seeking to move an existing process to an electronic system, Permit to Work Manager™ will produce, maintain and control the safe and effective issue of Authority/Permit to Work by Facilities, Safety and Maintenance management departments where a recognised risk has been identified and assessed.
The permit details the work to be carried out, identifies the hazards and risks involved, and the sequence of precautions, which must be adhered to. The step-by-step process, and fail-safe prompts and checks, aids compliance to maximise the safety and protection of personnel and property.
First developed in 1994, Permit to Work Manager™ has been continuously updated and developed, responding to customer and market needs and constantly integrating and utilising the latest technological advances. It is now the most widely deployed system of its type in the UK, with installations operational across a broad range of sectors and client organisations.
Permit to Work Manager™ offers a robust, ‘ tried and tested’ Permit issuing/authorising and powerful management/audit tool which is sophisticated yet flexible. With its ‘modular’ functionality, it is uniquely able to meet all needs from a ‘single user’, single site operator through to a complex multi-site, multi-user operation.
Through the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 all employers have a duty to their own employees and others who may be affected by contractors’ activities. This includes anyone providing an organisation with works or services be they part-time or full-time. The assessment of broader supply chain risk for potential issues with supply of goods/services, quality and performance (insurance, reputation solvency, etc.) is important particularly from an environmental, as well as health and safety and business continuity perspective.
BIFM Good Practice Guide 2016
Whether you require a system for the first time, or you’re expanding your operations, or perhaps you’re looking to move to an electronic process, the benefits and features of Permit to Work Manager™ combine to deliver compelling reasons for implementation.

User-friendly presentation simplifies the creation, authorisation and issue of all Permit to Work requirements.
Rule-based structure within a defined authorisation process and flexible analysis functions deliver ‘real time’ management of workflow, contractors & personnel.
Powerful scheduling, analysis and audit tools optimise process management, bringing cost benefits from replacing cumbersome paper-based systems.
Safety check and ‘alert’ functionality ensures improved legislative and ‘best practice’ compliance, thereby reducing risk.